Thursday 12 July 2012


Oooooh - very nice lens, this 65mm Мир-3.
Probably 1974, on my 1972 Revue6.6 (Салют).
The whole combination is 100 gr. lighter than the Hass/Dist combination, but still very weighty, alas... Not for Siberian walks.

On Jan 1990 Orwo NP22; the blue pic is cropped, left is the whole neg.


  1. Hasselblad with 40mm would definitively be no option then, and even the 50mm would be to heavy, which means no wide angle midformat photography in Siberia unless I am the donkey :)
    Or leave the prismfinder home...

    1. Hey, that's an idea! I know you love your rucksack, and my Салют weighs only 2200 gr ( 2 mags + film and WLF ) so you càn be the осёл then!
